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Unveiling the New BCube Analytics Website
At BCube Analytics, a Batoi company, we are excited to announce a significant transformation in ..

BCube Selected for MassChallenge 2023 FinTech Cohort
MassChallenge, the global network for innovators, announced that BCube had been selected as a fi..

A Tour to Policy Management
Modern businesses rely heavily on a set of policies and procedures to educate their employees, s..

Policy Review and Management - An Introduction
Organizations attempt to formalize their culture through distinct policies. These policies speci..

An Introduction to Security Review Management
In the digital age, an organizations’ network and security system (infrastructure) is becoming..

Why is it Important to Have Digital Collaboration While Managing Audit/Compliance Processes?
Technologies are generating transformational changes across all industries. Organizations are em..

What is Information Technology (IT) Audit?
Any business that wishes to succeed in this day and age, regardless of capacity, must leverage i..

How to Effectively Manage Your Tasks during an Audit
Whether internal or external, audits help provide critical insight into a company's operations, ..

Role of Auditing in Corporate Governance
With the goal to enable effective, entrepreneurial, and responsible management that will ensure ..

Remote Audit: Advantages, Disadvantages and Working
The world we were aware of has been transformed exceptionally, multiple nations have considered ..

RegTech's Top Challenges in 2022
The RegTech industry is exploding, with more and more companies investing in regulatory technolo..

Top Benefits of RegTech for Compliance
You've probably heard of the number one buzzword flying around in compliance circles - RegTech w..

Regulatory Workflow Management for Success
Regulatory processes do not exist in isolation and they can be summarized as receiving data (or ..

The Importance of Communication for the Success of a GRC Project
Any project, irrespective of its size, has three types of stakeholders: those working at it, tho..

Two Steps Back - Understanding Regulatory Landscape
Regulations do not exist in a vacuum. They impact the corporate data landscape, the processes ar..